Georgia Rape Defense Frequently Asked Questions
What is the legal definition of rape in Georgia?
What are potential punishments for a rape conviction?
What are some defenses against a rape charge?
Statutory Rape
What is the legal definition of statutory rape? What is the age of consent in Georgia?
What are Romeo and Juliet laws?
What are potential punishments for a statutory rape conviction?
What are some defenses against a statutory rape charge? What if I didn't know the age of the victim?
Sex Offender Registry
If convicted of a sex crime, will I have to register as a sex offender?
How do I register as a sex offender?
What restrictions are placed on sex offenders?
Can I gain removal from the sex offender registry?
Sexual Battery & Sexual Assault
What is sexual battery and when does it become aggravated sexual battery?
How is sexual assault different from sexual battery?
Why was I charged with “sexual assault” when the contact was consensual?
Why was I charged with sodomy?
Internet Sex Crimes
Is it illegal to have sexually explicit conversations online with a minor if there is never any physical contact?
What if I didn't know the person's age?
I was arrested in a sting operation involving a police officer posing as a minor. Was this entrapment?
Are there any defenses for possessing child pornography?
Do I need a computer forensic investigator?
Child Molestation
Are there any defenses against charges of child molestation?
What should I do if I have been falsely accused of child molestation?