Georgia Rape Defense Attorney - Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I have been falsely accused of child molestation?
Being wrongly accused of molesting a child can be a devastating experience. If you know you are innocent and are desperate to “fix” the situation, you may be tempted to act in ways that will not help you in the long run. Your first instinct may be to confront the accuser (whether a child or an adult) and try to determine if there was a misunderstanding or if something nefarious is going on. However, if you have been accused of child molestation, you should have no contact with the alleged victim or his or her family. The results of an encounter can be unpredictable; furthermore, you do not want to give the appearance of harassing or threatening the alleged victim.
You also may think it is a good idea to speak to the police without an attorney in order to clear your name and avoid looking suspicious. However, if you are facing serious accusations, you absolutely need to speak to an attorney before saying anything to law enforcement. It is virtually never in your best interest to talk to the police or other authorities without an attorney present – such a situation only benefits those trying to convict you.
The best thing you can do to defend yourself against a false charge of child molestation is to retain an experienced sex crimes defense attorney. In addition, you should gather any evidence that may be relevant to the case. This may include text messages and phone records, proof of an alibi for the time of any alleged crimes, and witnesses that can cast doubt on the accusations. Your lawyer can take this evidence and develop your best strategy for moving forward.

Get in touch.
To speak with an experienced Georgia Rape Defense Attorney, just complete the form to the right or call The Berry Law Group right now at (404) 816-4440.