Georgia Rape Defense Attorney - Frequently Asked Questions
What are potential punishments for a rape conviction in Georgia?
The state of Georgia considers rape to be a serious felony offense and mandates heavy penalties for those convicted of this crime. According to the statute, a rape conviction is punishable by a term of imprisonment of 25 years to life. If released, the convicted rapist will be on probation for life and will also have to register as a sex offender.
Living life as a sex offender comes with its own punishments. Your status as a sex offender is public knowledge, available to relatives, neighbors and potential employers. You must regularly check in with the authorities to update your information and inform them any time you move. Furthermore, there are strict restrictions on where sex offenders are able to live and work (for example, you cannot live near schools or houses of worship and you cannot work with children).
A rape conviction may also involve paying fines and/or taking part in rehabilitative activities.
(The law also allows for the death penalty, but the constitutionality of this punishment is in question and, thus, death sentences are not actually applied in practice in rape cases.)
Given the severity of the punishment for a rape conviction, it is critical to have an experienced sex crimes attorney who can fight to get the charges dismissed or reduced, or who can win a not guilty verdict at trial.

Get in touch.
To speak with an experienced Georgia Rape Defense Attorney, just complete the form to the right or call The Berry Law Group right now at (404) 816-4440.